Annual General Meeting the 17th of June 2017

It’s this time of the year again

The Annual General Meeting is the highest authority of the Earth Organisation for Sustainability, and is occurring once every year (as the name implies). During the annual general meeting, we evaluate the effectiveness of our accomplishments during the year, present our internal financial reports and elect our firm signers in accordance with the laws of the Kingdom of Sweden. 

Paying EOS members have the ability to partake and vote in the AGM, and also to submit motions suggesting reforms or alterations of our bylaws. You send in motions by either e-mailing [email protected] or [email protected]

Our AGM will take place on Kulturhuset Klossen, Ekonomistraket 6 Umea, at 3 PM CET Saturday the 17th of June 2017. We will arrange for a Skype connection to the members who cannot attend physically.

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