Coordination Committee

The EOS is a movement comprising several regional holons, which pursue their own projects with the goal of learning more about the Design and improving the conditions for a sustainable future in their own local areas. This website is a platform held in common by all these holons comprising a part of the wider EOS movement, with the goal of disseminating knowledge to the general public and inspire the formation of new holons.

The Coordination Committee is the only All-EOS body which exists, and its responsibility is to steward this website and to plan the Annual General Meetings, where the holons meet and discuss. The Coordination Committee is elected by the Annual General Meetings, and are elected for one year terms.

Currently, there are two representatives in the Coordination Committee. Lilium Carlson of Cascadia and Enrique Lescure of Sweden.

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What we do

How we are working

The EOS seeks to initiate projects that will improve local ecological & social sustainability. Our projects are designed to fit within and test hypotheses for a new kind of social system. Such projects include bio domes, fabrication labs, green energy projects, educational projects, migrant integration projects and aid programmes. Local EOS groups assess the needs of their local communities, then research and implement sustainable strategies to meet those needs and improve quality of life. We are growing the future, plant for plant.

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Who we are

Earth Organisation for Sustainability – EOS – is a non-profit organization devoted to the research of alternative resource management and the implementation of ecological practices and technologies in order to create an ecologically, economically and socially sustainable future for humanity.

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Why do we exist

Life can poetically be described as “the Universe experiencing itself”. Life is so unique in the universe that it has the capability for deliberate activity and conservationism. As a species of life, endowed by life with intelligence, we should use that capability to act as stewards of life on this planet.

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