What is an EOS Project?

Growing the future, seed by seed

EOS Projects are local and regional engagements by the EOS, aiming towards improving ecological, social and economic sustainability where it matters, in communities, public spaces and neighborhoods. The projects should aim to improve the conditions for life, improve self-sufficiency and increase the knowledge and resilience of local communities, allowing them to attain a greater degree of autonomy over their local area.

Read more: What is an EOS Project?

EOS groups

Every local EOS group should aim to establish contacts with their local community, increase interest in sustainability issues locally, form networks and if possible initiate projects. Every EOS member is an ambassador for EOS.


The EOS is open for other groups to collaborate, as long as the group doesn’t promote racism, sexism, homophobia or engages in discrimination, criminal behaviour and violence. 

On the projects

The projects must be in tune with the core aims and values of the EOS. Every project must be approved by the EOS Board, and the group responsible for initiating the project must write A Project Plan detailing how the project will move on. A Halftime report, detailing the progress of the project

A Final report describing the results of the project. The Board cannot tell local groups what to do unless they want guidance and cooperation, but the Board can cut cooperation with groups that are violating the basic norms and goals of the EOS.


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