EOS Represented at Miljötorget
On Tuesday the 21st of November 2017, the EOS was represented by board members Rickard Strandberg and Enrique Lescure at Miljötorget (the environmental forum) at Umea Town Hall. We brought a happy mood, a number of fliers and the book “Technocracy, Building a New Sustainable Society for a Post-carbon World”, by Dr Andrew Wallace (2006). We also brought the experimental plastic dome “collapso” and two bowls of sweets (why have one when one could have two)?
We were invited by the Theatre Association of Umea and by Studiefrämjandet, as one of several sustainability-oriented associations, and were given the opportunity to interact with the guests. We were also given tickets to the engaging theatre show “Vi som bor här”, featuring the nature photographer Martin Emtenäs and the musician Stefan Sundström.
Interacting with the public, communicating about sustainability and sharing sweets and fliers, we managed to increase the interest for both the EOS in general, as well as our local biodome project, which on the 21st of January will launch a new phase, the Mini-dome phase.
Stay tuned, people!
Last modified on 2025-02-10