Thursday 13 February 2025 14:27

The Design and Other EOS publications

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The Design and Other EOS publications

EOS has a plan and a design for a sustainable, moneyless future. We have put together out ideas in a book called The Design. The book is available here

Our book takes a scientific approach to designing a society that is in balance. A balance between our needs and those of the plant. We aim to give everyone the highest standard of living possible for the longest time possible. Minimise work so people have more time to be human and greater individual freedom.

In an era of unprecedented environmental and societal challenges, The Future Civilization: Building a Sustainable World for the Third Millennium by the Earth Organisation for Sustainability presents a revolutionary path forward. This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive critique of exponential growth, fractional reserve banking, and the unsustainable practices that define our current global economy. Instead, it proposes a society governed by the immutable laws of Thermodynamics, where resources are managed sustainably and equitably for the benefit of all life on Earth.

Last modified on 2025-02-13

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